Friday, September 19, 2014

Java3D 1.5 64bit D3D DLL

Java3D DLL

I managed to compile a 64bit version of the D3D library required for Java3D to work in Direct3D mode on a 64bit JVM.

Its built from the 1.5.2 sources and I haven't had any issues with it yet.

Get it here:

Use it at your own risk.
This IS NOT endorsed or supported by Sun, Oracle or any other company.

Source - Build it yourself!

If you want to build it yourself, here is a zip of the sources required.

There were retrieved using SVN from the Java3D site:
I have included a "diff.txt" file within the zip that shows the changes I made (there are not many) to get it to build with the latest Microsoft Visual Studio releases
You also need:
  • JDK 1.6 64bit - it won't build on later versions due to missing classes in 1.7 and 1.8
  • Apache Ant 1.9.3
  • DirectX9 SDK (August 2009)
  • Microsoft Visual Studio C++
    • I used Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Express and it worked fine

To compile:

Edit the variables in the batch.bat to point where your put your things:
  • JAVA_HOME - Point it at a 64bit version of JDK 1.6
  • INCLUDE - Point it at the includes for the DirectX9 SDK where dxerr.h is
  • LIB - Point it to  the path where d3dx9.lib is
  • ANT_PATH - Point it at the bin directory in an Ant installation
Then just run it using the "VS2012 x64 Cross Tools Command Prompt" in your start menu.
The compiled DLLs will be in:
  • debug: j3d-core\build\default\debug\native
  • opt: j3d-core\build\default\opt\native

Let me know if you can't get it to work, I might have forgotten something.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Logstash config file for Ubuntu SSH auth.log with GeoIP

Since I spent half a day working it out and I wish someone had already done it, here is a logstash config file that handles your ssh auth.log, tags it, and then uses geoip lookup to add country information based on the source IP address. Should work using the default layout of the auth.log in Ubuntu releases. Don't forget to change/remove the "type" tag depending on your circumstances.
