Java3D DLL
I managed to compile a 64bit version of the D3D library required for Java3D to work in Direct3D mode on a 64bit JVM.Its built from the 1.5.2 sources and I haven't had any issues with it yet.
Get it here:
Use it at your own risk.
This IS NOT endorsed or supported by Sun, Oracle or any other company.
Source - Build it yourself!
If you want to build it yourself, here is a zip of the sources
There were retrieved using SVN from the Java3D site:
You also need:
- JDK 1.6 64bit - it won't build on later versions due to missing classes in 1.7 and 1.8
- Apache Ant 1.9.3
- DirectX9 SDK (August 2009)
- Microsoft Visual Studio C++
- I used Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Express and it worked fine
To compile:
Edit the variables in the batch.bat to point where your put your things:- JAVA_HOME - Point it at a 64bit version of JDK 1.6
- INCLUDE - Point it at the includes for the DirectX9 SDK where dxerr.h is
- LIB - Point it to the path where d3dx9.lib is
- ANT_PATH - Point it at the bin directory in an Ant installation
The compiled DLLs will be in:
- debug: j3d-core\build\default\debug\native
- opt: j3d-core\build\default\opt\native
Let me know if you can't get it to work, I might have forgotten something.